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Module 1: Human and Medicine 


Lesson 1: Medicine in antiquity [Click Here]
Lesson 2: Dawn of scientific medicine [Click Here]
Lesson 3: Modern medicine [Click Here]
Lesson 4: Medical revolution
Lesson 5: Socio-cultural aspects of health in Nepal [Click Here]
Lesson 6: Eugenics
Lesson 7: Alternative medicine [Click Here]
Lesson 8: Medical ethics [Click Here]




All are the branches of alternative medicine EXCEPT:

  1. Homeopathy
  2. Heleopathy
  3. Naturopathy
  4. Ayurveda

Small pox vaccine was developed by:

  1. Louis Pasteur
  2. Edward Jenner
  3. Joseph Lister
  4. Robert Koch

The system of medicine which practiced barefoot doctors is:

  1. Chinese Medicine
  2. Indian Medicine
  3. Greek Medicine
  4. Egyptian Medicine

The science of using controlled, selective breeding to improve the hereditary qualities of the human race is called:

  1.     Euthenics
  2.     Euphenics
  3.     Eugenics
  4.     Negative eugenics
   Alternative medical systems that have developed in western culture include:
  1. Homeopathy and Acupuncture
  2. Ayurveda and Acupuncture
  3. Naturopathy and Ayurveda
  4. Naturopathy and Homeopathy
   The pioneer in the concept of specific protection with immunization was:
  1. Early Chinese Physicians
  2. Edward Jenner
  3. James Lind
  4. Louis Pasteur

The germ theory of disease is propounded by:

  1. Leeuwenhoek
  2. Robert Koch
  3. Ambroise Paré 
  4. Louis Pasteur

James lind is known for:

  1. Prevention of scurvy by citrus fruits
  2. Germ theory of disease
  3. Multifactorial causation of disease
  4. Web of causation

The term vaccination was coined by:

  1. Edward Jenner
  2. Hippocrates
  3. Louise Pasteur
  4. Alexander Fleming

 The link between cholera and contaminated water was found by:

  1. Edward Jenner
  2. John Snow
  3. Ronald Ross
  4. Louis Pasteur

 Prevention of scurvy using citrus fruits was discovered by:

  1. Louis Pasteur
  2. John Snow
  3. James Lind
  4. Hippocrates

Edward Jenner died in:

  1. 1749
  2. 1775
  3. 1823
  4. 1920

 Malaria parasite was discovered by:

  1. Robert Koch
  2. Louis Pasteur
  3. Laveran
  4. Ronald Ross

Transmission of malaria by anopheline mosquitoes was discovered by:

  1. Ronald Ross
  2. Laveran
  3. Muller
  4. Pamana

Small pox vaccine was invented by:

  1. Louise Pasteur
  2. Edward Jenner
  3. Paul Eugene
  4. Pamana

James lind is related to the discovery of:

  1. Prevention of scurvy
  2. Cause of Beriberi
  3. Prevention of Vit A Deficiency
  4. Prevention of typhoid

Father of modern surgery is:

  1. Sushrutha
  2. Ambroise pare
  3. Hippocrates
  4. Tolstoy

Father of Evidence Based Medicine is: 

  1. Sackett
  2. Da Vinci
  3. Hippocrates
  4. Tolstoy

Father of Indian medicine is:

  1. Charaka
  2. Samuel Hahnemann
  3. Sushrutha
  4. Pampana

Barometer of social welfare is:

  1. Cholera
  2. Plague
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. AIDS

First true epidemiologist is:

  1. Aristotle
  2. Hippocrates
  3. John snow
  4. James Lind

Father of Public Health is:

  1. Tuberculosis
  2. Cholera
  3. Louis Pasteur
  4. John Snow

Among the 17 SDGs, the goal directly related to health is:

  1. Goal Three
  2. Goal Five
  3. Goal Nine
  4. Goal One
   The "dark age of medicine" period refers to:
  1. Before Century  
  2. Period between 100-400 AD  
  3. Period between 500-1500 AD  
  4. Period between 1600-1900 AD

Eugenics refers all except:

  1. Genetic modification
  2. Study of chronic disease
  3. A better way to select a good human birth
  4. Do not allow bad genes to be reproduced


1. Define eugenics.



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