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Module 14: Epidemiology-II

Epidemiology studies; descriptive, analytical and experimental

Basic concepts about the transmission of infectious agents [Click Here]

Principles of control about communicable disease

Principles of control of non-communicable disease

Investigation and control of an epidemic [Click here]

Epidemiological principles underlying screening

Distinction between screening and diagnostic test

Calculate: sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value etc. for screening test [Click Here]

Collect and interpret clinical, psycho-social information from patient/ family to understand natural history of a disease


Which study design is best for testing of the hypothesis of rare diseases?

  1. Cross-sectional study
  2. Case-control study
  3. Cohort study
  4. Meta-analysis


The CFR of COVID 19 in Nepal is around

  1. 0.02%
  2. 0.2%
  3. 2%
  4. 22%


The 90% sensitivity of RDT for COVID 19 screening test is: 


  1.  90 percent of the non-diseased persons will give "true negative" result 
  2. 90 percent of the diseased people screened by the test will give a "true positive" result 
  3. 10 percent of the diseased people screened by the test will give a "true positive" result 
  4. 10 percent of the non-diseased persons will give "true negative" result


 The period between the possible time of detection and the actual time of diagnosis is

  1.      Lead time
  2.     Screening time
  3.     Generation time
  4.     Serial interval

Changes in the occurrence of a disease over long periods of time are known as

  1.      Epidemics
  2.     Seasonal trends
  3.     Cyclical trends
  4.     Secular trends

Incidence of the disease is best studied in

1. Cross-sectional study

2. Cohort study

3. Case-control study

4. Meta-analysis

The proportion of patients who test positive who actually have the disease is 

  1. Sensitivity
  2. Specificity
  3. PPV
  4. NPV

The constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within a given geographic area or population group is termed as

  1. Epidemic
  2. Endemic
  3. Sporadic
  4. Exotic



Define Screening. Differentiate between a Screening test and Diagnostic test. (2+3= 5)





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